Heenok Updates - Apps' Improvements & Announcements

Version 1.2.1
mai 28, 2024

Say hello to the new "Updates" and "Blog" page

We are so excited to be introducing the updates page where you will be getting informed about what we have for you as well as making it easier for you.

Updates Page
Modified the blog page
Version 1.2.0
mai 15, 2024

Introducing Brfly: AI Powered Unlimited URL Shortener

We launched this feature for you to say goodbye to cluttered links and make your links more friendly and memorable

Heenok (Brfly) URL Shortener
Version 1.1.0
mai 11, 2024

Introducing: Heenok Affiliate Program

We are so excited to have introduced this feature because we believe that satisfied customers are the best advocates for any brand. This will give opportunity for those looking to share something they love about their favorite brands and get rewarded.

Heenok Affiliate Program
Version 1.0.0
mai 1, 2024

Launched : "Grow Your Business" Series

In this series, we will be featuring some of your favorite personalities making waves in the business world and highlighting their impact as well as tips you need to grow your business.

On the 6th of May, 2024. We are excited to feature Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze to kickstart this series. She stood out from her peers which caught our attention. Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze’s journey to success is nothing short of remarkable. With over 17 years of experience as an accountant, she’s not only mastered her craft but has also emerged as a leader in African business. Her expertise and dedication have earned her widespread respect and numerous accolades within the industry.

Grow Your Business Series
Version 1.0.0
avril 29, 2024

Heenok got featured on AI Top Picks and this was our first. We are so excited to have been featured by them.

Featured on AI Top Picks
Version 1.0.0
mai 3, 2024

Inaugural Blog Launch

We are so excited to have launched our blog with our first post about "How To Write Faster Without Loosing Quality" which delves into practical strategies and AI-driven tools to enhance writing efficiency while maintaining high standards. Stay tuned for regular updates and insights designed to help you harness the power of AI in your writing endeavors. Welcome to the Heenok community!

How to write faster without losing quality
Version 1.0.0
mars 2, 2024

Welcome to Heenok Inaugural Launch!

We are so excited to announce the launch of Heenok to early adopters and users as of March 2, 2024. Heenok brings cutting-edge capabilities in Natural Language Processing (NLP), advanced machine learning models, and a user-friendly interface designed to enhance productivity, creativity, and decision-making. With features like multi-language support, customizable pre-trained models, chatbots, image generation, text to speech and real-time data visualization, Heenok is set to revolutionize the way individuals and businesses interact with AI technology. Our platform prioritizes security and privacy with end-to-end encryption and compliance with major data protection regulations.

As part of our Early Adopter Program, users will receive priority support, access to exclusive training sessions, and the opportunity to influence our development roadmap. While there are minor known issues, such as UI glitches and occasional response latency, our team is committed to addressing these promptly. Future updates will include enhanced collaboration features, an expanded library of pre-trained models, and improved natural language capabilities. For any assistance, reach out to support@heenok.com. Thank you for joining the Heenok community; we look forward to your feedback and collaboration.

No New Feature Added

About Me


Founder & Editor

As a passionate explorer of the intersection between technology, art, and the natural world, I’ve embarked on a journey to unravel the fascinating connections that weave our world together. In my digital haven, you’ll find a blend of insights into cutting-edge technology, the mesmerizing realms of artificial intelligence, the expressive beauty of art.

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